The EBT CT scanner is approved by the FDA to specifically image calcified plaque (heart disease) as well as other diagnostic imaging procedures such as lung scans, whole body and virtual colonography screening. Only EBT has the scientific validation of hundreds of research studies at major institutions across the nation. 64 Slice CT may expose you to up to 10 to 15 times the amount of radiation you'd receive from an EBT scan. EBT is highly targeted on the heart tissue. 64 Slice CT exposes more of the body to radiation, including breast tissue and vital organs. EBT has proven to be extremely accurate, while 64 Slice CT proved to be less accurate in clinical studies. EBT is repeatable, allowing you to be monitored over time. Conventional CT is not.


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Electron Beam Tomography uses a high-speed electron beam to scan the heart using extremely fast X-ray pulses, non-invasively, for the presence of calcium deposits. Calcium is a marker for plaque formation, also called atherosclerosis. By measuring the amount of calcium present in and around your coronary arteries, it can provide an accurate picture of how much plaque you have accumulated. That's important, because the more plaque you have, the more likely you are to have a heart attack. EBT is the only technology that can tell a patient if they have heart disease and how much they have all within a 96-98% accuracy (according to numerous clinical studies over the past 20 plus years).

EBT captures images at 1/20th of a second – far faster than imaging technologies such as conventional CT or MRI. Speed is critically important, because your heart is in constant motion. EBT is the only non-invasive technology that's fast enough to create a clear picture of what's happening inside your arteries.

Not all heart scans are equal...insist on an EBT.

Conventional CT (also called Multi-detector, Multi-slice, or 16 or 64 slice CT) is sometimes promoted as a heart scan alternative to EBT. It is important to know the difference, because it could affect your outcome at the high cost of excessive X-ray exposure.

The only way to be sure you'll have accurate, repeatable results, with minimal radiation exposure, is to insist on an EBT.